Video SurveillanceIf you run a business that has a lot of interaction between potential customers and your products, then you need to do your part to deter thieves. One of the best ways to do so? Video surveillance. With modern IP-based video surveillance solutions from Networking Specialists, you get a range of benefits.

Video Surveillance That Keeps An Eye On Your Business

IP Video Surveillance offers enterprise-level security at small business prices.

It’s so often these days that businesses are only thinking about the digital side of security. Today’s buzzwords – ransomware, cybercriminal, phishing, etc. – leave business owners more worried about their firewalls and anti-virus solutions than they are about their physical and conventional security solutions – don’t forget to take the other side of security into account.

If you run a business that has a lot of interaction between potential customers and your products, then you need to do your part to deter thieves. One of the best ways to do so? Video surveillance.

We know what you’re thinking – aren’t video cameras a little dated, and inconvenient? Not anymore. Gone are the days of fuzzy, poorly angled analog video surveillance, the tape for which needs to be changed and overwritten every few days.

With modern IP-based video surveillance solutions from Networking Specialists, you get a range of benefits:

  • IP video surveillance can record and store streaming video files for virtually unlimited periods of time.
  • You can even view cameras remotely via your smartphone, allowing you to check up on your business while in the back office, at home, or on the go.
  • Video cameras are still a powerful deterrent against would-be criminals in your business, at a much better price than security personnel.
  • Thanks to the simple set-up, it’s easy to figure out the blind spots at your place of business and invest in as many cameras as needed to eliminate them, simple as that.

Don’t forget that, in the event of a theft, your video surveillance system will give you a lot to offer law enforcement in finding the perpetrator and bringing them to justice. Clear footage stored safely on your hard drive and easily navigable by date makes follow up as simple as can be.

For more information about this video surveillance, get in touch with Networking Specialists at (701) 746-9234 or